Wednesday, October 11, 2006

A bit of fun with the LC class, after our session

After today's session, a group from our Leadership Charlottesville class went out for a drink. Much hilarity ensued. You know you've become a tight-knit group when y'all (wow, it's starting to rub off) can sit down for margaritas or beers and have a great time chatting away.

As we are the "cream of the crop" in the future of leadership in our community (not my words, but I like them!) you can imagine that there's a local celebrity or two in our midst. While we were enjoying our suds and salted glasses, another patron of the restaurant spotted one of our celebrity classmates and just went bananas. She just had to have an autograph.

Kudos to our classmate who knows how to handle a fan with style! I should mention that the er, autograph location was totally the fan's idea.


At 7:11 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Classic! Not bad for an "I," huh? Pam caught a great shot with her camera phone, too.

At 3:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I will share my photo with everyone as soon as I figure out how to send it from my phone. :)


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